The Shop
A Paródia opened its doors only two days after the 25 April revolution in 1974, taking its name from a publication by Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro. The caricaturist and ceramicist is present in both attitude and details – from the engravings to the menu. This was the third space opened by Luís Pinto Coelho, who owned an antiques shop at this location. That shop had already been a meeting place and the bars A Paródia and Procópio went on to play pivotal roles in the pro-revolution cultural salons in the city. Once the dicatorial regime had fallen, it made complete sense to officialise the encounters and to turn the shop into a bar where an open mind was welcome; although the door always remained closed – a question of charm and protocol.
It remained a haunt of politicians, writers, artists and journalists. In 1976 Pinto Coelho sold it to one of his best barmen, Albino Viralhada. He in turn later sold it to a loyal customer, José Mariano Baptista, who asked his son (Pedro Baptista) to manage the bar for him. Pedro met his future wife and the current hostess there, Filipa Carlos.

& Services
Cocktails and wines.